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© 1996 Chuck Shramek. All Rights Reserved.- this is the only sourceof real information from Chuck Shramek.
The Great Comet of 1997
What the Hale is really going on???
Here is the picture that caused such a commotion after I posted it on the Internet and talked about it on the Art Bell radio program...It's that "Saturn" like thing to the right and above the comet that all the talk is about.
The widespread distribution of this picture caused a major debunking campaign to spring up within hours. NASA, JPL and other "respectable" astronomers were quick to make false assumptions in order to explain this picture. They are wrong.
Something else to ponder:
AND... I have not made a penny off any of this work. In fact it's cost me several thousand dollars - but that's OK because I learned lots of things. The biggest thing I learned is that many scientists are extremely threatened by new information that doesn't fit into their boxes. It was a far stronger reaction than I would have gotten from let's say a religious leader confronted with some discovery that might have shed doubt on their religious beliefs.
A couple of undeniable truths about the comet...
From its initial "discovery" July 23, 1995 this comet was anomalous. It was discovered 20 months out from its closest approach. Cometsare usually discovered 1 or 2 months out from their closest approach to the sun. Comets found 3 or 4 months out are very rare. Prior to Hale-Bopp's discovery the record distance out for comet discovery was 7 months out (Kohoutek in 1973 - which is why they expected it would be huge - it fizzled). I put "discovery" in quotes above because the comet has since been located on an Australian observatory survey picture taken in 1993 (40 months out!) Some believe that our government may have "discovered" the comet sooner than its official discovery date. Something very strange was making this comet visible at a distance from the sun so great that the sun is little more than a bright star - where comets are far too cold to emit their gases and become visible.
The other fact that I am sure of regarding this comet is that there has been a widespread cover-up of reliable pictures and information about it. I followed the comet on the web intensely since its discovery. Initially, there were weekly new pictures of it from the biggest telescopes in the world. The Hubble people took pictures in October of 1995 and had them on the web in a few days. Then about May 1996, the good pictures ceased to be posted. The Hubble pictures ceased even sooner. There were recent pictures from smaller and smaller scopes, or they were heavily processed or done in false color. I knew they were hiding something. When the qualityof the pictures fell below what I could get for myself with my 10"telescope and CCD imagers, I knew I had to act. This is when I decided to check out the comet for myself.
From the October-November 1995 NEXUS magazine. NEXUS recieved some e-mail from (WmTm) on the 7 August which read:
"I work at an institution that studies data gathered from a number of 'outward looking' satellites. We first saw Hale-Bopp on July 3rd. We have determined that it has made a number of course correctionssince that time. Once we confirmed the data that suggested these corrections, government 'spooks' from some unidentified agency seized the data, and our satellites links were shut down 'for maintennance". Never beforehave we lost all our links at once. Our name for the 'comet' was 'Contact070795B'. Use that name when asking questions and see the result you get."
(Source: Stan Deyo's WATT's News, no.2, Sep 1995)"
Other Anomalous Comet Pictures - I'm not the first to see strange things with this comet!
Why Would the Vatican Build a Huge Telescope?- Do they really need a "Pope-Scope?"
Ancient Mysteries, the Space Program and Roswell Too! - Something very big and strange is going on...
The "new" comet pictures still are terrible!!! - Come on, get real!!!
Anomalies That Can Be Explained! - Acouple of odd pictures I took - and explained.
A List of HB anomalies - Are we getting messages from comets?
Debunkingthe Debunkers - I won't even get nasty like some of them did with me.
Debunking the Debunkers II - Part II with close up pictures and different exposure times.
The Faked NASA Moon Pictures! - Interesting research from a photographic expert.
NASA Speaks Out! - I quote them as accurately as they quoted me - it's only fair!!! (This one is a joke - mostly, I am starting to think that NASA does indeed stand for "Never A Straight Answer!)
Comet Prophecy- Are various prophecies converging?
Alien Abduction - Is Louis Farrakhan aware of the comet's "companion?"
Comedian Aliens - These guys area laugh riot!! - Now including 'historic' faxes about Ross Perot being an alien and perpetual motion for the masses!!!
Other Comet Links and Great Sites
Art Bell's Comet Companion Page - A wide variety from wacky fun stuff to very stuffy astronomers!!!
Hale Bopp - TheTruth - This is the excellent work of my friend Gary Goodwin.
Pat Parrinello's HomePage -My friend Pat has some interesting things to say about comets and more!!!
Whitley Strieber - He's been keeping up his research into the comet and its "companion."
Richard Hoagland's Enterprise Mission - The man who made "The Face on Mars" a common phrase in the world has a lot more to talk about than just that.
Metaphysics-Metamath- This guy has done a lot of deep thinking about Life, the Universe, and Everything!!
(to be continued)